December 5, 2018
The week of the Open House is upon us! The Stafford’s Perry Hotel and accompanying Christmas Parade on Thanksgiving weekend may usher in the official start of the Holiday festivities for Downtown Petoskey, but anyone who ventures North this time of year, knows the Open House is the real party.
Come hear the Steel Drum band; walk the streets free of cars and motorized traffic; parade in and out of shops and eateries; grab coffees, hot chocolates and warm wishes; but most of all, saunter through friendly gatherings and experience small town magic for an entire month.
The open house truly does extend through the Christmas Season and on into the New Year, for once past tree lightings, gift wrapping and family celebrations, the ski season hits a high-note and helps crowd the area with revelers from all over the globe. Summer homes become ski lodges. Hotels fill with vacationing tourists. Restaurants perk along with July-like reservations and coffee shops hum with morning rushes.
To enjoy this vibrant community, dress warm and bring plenty of energy, and don’t worry about the weather. There will be snow. There will be a stiff breeze off Lake Michigan. And there will be plenty of time to play. Carousing in the elements around the solstice and entering a new year with vim and vigor has been a hallmark tradition over the centuries.
The lampposts are wrapped with garland and lights to mark a pathway through and around Downtown Petoskey, so make sure you don’t miss the show and the snow this year. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from all of us to all of you.