
A Trio of Outdoor Events
July marks a high point of the summer season—fireworks light up the sky, boats fill the bay, and the beaches teem with frolicking sunbathers—it’s the time to be in Northern Michigan. To celebrate the sunny days and warm nights, Downtown …

New in Town: Malted Vinyl
Recently, you may have noticed some new storefronts and signage in Downtown Petoskey, ushering in new businesses and establishments that diversify our already vibrant shopping district. One such business is garnering attention by serving up tasty drinks, delivering diverse tunes, …

Friday Nights in Pennsylvania Park
The perfect spot for playdates, lunch breaks, and fresh air reprieves, Pennsylvania Park is a popular summer downtown destination for everyone. Here, you can find a dog to pet, a grassy spot to nap on, or a noon-time concert to …